Motoring Offences Costs – Rockstone Law Solicitors

Tel: 020 3720 1672

Our Fees

Motoring Offences Costs

Our specialist road traffic defence team are dedicated to providing clear and transparent advice and assistance in motoring offence cases. 

We also provide advice and assistance that suits your circumstances. However, if you have legal expense insurance in your car insurance policy, please let us know.


  • Solicitor assisted by a caseworker

 What’s the average cost of a case?

The cost of your case will depend on a number of different factors including the type of offence, if you enter into a guilty plea or your case goes to Trial and the individual circumstances of your case. We charge an initial £150 consultation fee exclusive of the fixed fees listed below.

Guilty plea/Mitigation Statement
Failure to furnish (provide driver ID)
Failure to stop (report accident)
Driving without insurance
Driving whilst disqualified


Hourly rates

Our hourly rates range from £160 to £317 depending on the complexity of your case, the experience of the lawyer or caseworker and your location in the United Kingdom.  Our advice would be based on your individual circumstances and the best option available to you.


Services included in the above costs list?

  • A 2 hours initial attendance to take detailed instructions on the incident
  • Consideration of initial disclosure and any other evidence and advice.
  • Taking comments on officer’s statements
  • Instructing the relevant expert or analysing relevant evidence
  • Advising on the strengths and weaknesses of your case
  • Advising on possible defences
  • Drafting relevant legal documents
  • Providing advice on likely sentence
  • Detailing the key issues
  • Preparing you before your First hearing at the Magistrates Court.
  • Seeking further disclosure of further material, if requested by counsel.
  • Advising on court procedure and the sentencing options available to the court.
  • Conducting further preparatory work, taking instructions and queries
  • Discussing the outcome of hearing with you


Services not included in the above costs list:

  • Instruction of any expert witnesses
  • Taking/preparing statements from any witnesses (this will depend on complexity of your case)
  • Advice and assistance in relation to a special reason hearing
  • The cost of a Barrister to attend court on your behalf
  • Our travel expenses including mileage costs
  • Our fee for preparation for any further hearings following the initial hearing (Approx. £500.00 per hearing)
  • If relevant advice on any appeal. Separate fee can be agreed for:
  • Dealing with any Appeal
  • Drafting ground of appeal
  • The cost of fully preparing any appeal.



The duration of the case would largely depend on your case whether you are pleading guilty to the offence or whether the matter is proceeding to trial and also the court listings however the usual timescale is sometimes three to six months or more.


Are there any other costs involved?

Please note that if there are any further disbursements (costs) to third parties such as expert fees, we shall consult you about these costs in advance and agree with you before the fees are incurred. Further note that any such fees would be paid by you and is not part of the fees we charged you for your matter.

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